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Foxfield Primary School


At Foxfield Primary School, we believe all children should receive engaging music lessons which include active participation and practical music-making at the heart of all learning. We plan that through music our children will learn a host of transferable skills, particularly confidence and high self-esteem, which will support their self-expression and learning across all areas of the curriculum. This will also support their well-being and mental health. Lessons include listening, composing, performing and appraising at the core. Whole-class instrumental tuition enables the children to learn how to read musical notation. Children appraise and analyse compositional features of music from different times and cultures and use this knowledge to inspire their own compositions.

In addition to whole-class music lessons we believe in providing extra-curricular opportunities. This includes instrumental tuition as well as trips into London to watch concerts by professional orchestras like the London Symphony Orchestra and the London Philharmonic Orchestra at venues including the Barbican and the Southbank Centre. We link with professional musical establishments like Beat Goes On, Film Symphony Orchestra and LSO to provide children with workshops and interactive performances. We are keen to design and promote collaborative cross-partnership projects.

We are committed to providing a diverse range of opportunities that reach beyond the classroom, that will enrich their learning and love of music. Exposure to a wide range of musical styles and cultures will enable them to have a rich knowledge and understanding of the importance and impact of music around the world and within our own communities.